Friday, January 22, 2010

Buy Corn Snake What Should I Buy A Rat Or A Corn Snake?

What should i buy a rat or a corn snake? - buy corn snake

local reptile house sells corn snakes and rat snakes, and call on other aquatic organisms dock and it's comes highly recommended by people here, the link and http://www.wharfaquatics. / similar price, but the first time that I buy a snake, yes, what should I choose?


Aaron said...

They are essentially the same species. A corn snake is a snake "rat red you have to produce the same temperament, needs, and fertile offspring if they exceeded. Corn "Snakes usually in more colors and variations of the model come. So go with the one who always looks healthy and beautiful for you.

Hally said...

The rats would be a good pet, you like to snuggle with the furry things allocation, and spending time with her, the snakes are very calm and cool, and then it's cool if they wrap around the arm If your choice.

♥ǝɔıןɐ♥ said...

I always recommend corn snakes for beginners. Rats are good, but slightly more aggressive than the horns. Good luck.

Alisha G said...

Corn Snake. not so strong

Alisha G said...

Corn Snake. not so strong

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