Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Cervical Mucus Mirena TTC #2, Why Is It So Hard?

TTC #2, why is it so hard? - cervical mucus mirena

I had my Mirena removed in January and said it may take several months to rethicken for my cervix. I agreed and used the OPK and watching my cervical mucus and use calculators to help ovulation. Why is it taking so long to become pregnant if? With my daughter became pregnant in 3 months and we are TTC # 2 and still nothing.


LimoPilo... said...

The information that I found the Mirena was found that 80% of previous users get pregnant within a year.
A further 10% after 18 months.
And only a very small amount is able to realize during the probation period and observed for 2 years.
Good luck to you. Patience and perseverance.
Let's be discouraged by the number and opinoions on this website.
If you are of faith, prayer, and that happens when the time comes.

rockin said...

As the previous poster, with perfect timing, understand only 25% chance. That's how nature works! Give him some time. Relax. Because you are stressed, are out there, her day of ovulation may also be altered so that you miss the day of ovulation.

Have you read the book Taking Charge of Your Fertility? It is a great book - some say it's better than OPK. It teaches you how to get your temperature and MC-diagram.

Good luck!

ღ♥Barb♥ღ ~ Fifteen weeks! said...

Since the first baby came very quickly (which is very unusual). In addition to the Mirena also leads to infertility. So, three months after his disappearance because of the expectation of your system Mirena ... and then wait. A pair of healthy and good that follows through ovulation, only 20% chance of pregnancy each month.

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